Snow Policy::
If the Rink is open we have to pay for the ice-so- we will make every effort to utilize the ice. If for any reason a parent feels it is too dangerous to travel due to weather conditions, they should make their own decisions on a player's attendance. The coach will understand the circumstances. Pratice is optional.
In the case of a game , if the game has not been cancelled , we would expect all players to make every effort to attend. We will try our best to keep everyone informed.
It is the player's responsibility to inquire about conditions regarding practices or games. Each player should notify Coach Trezza if they are not going to attend a scheduled event.
All updated information will be posted on our team website:
Coach Trezza--845-386-8272
Rink: 845-567-0005
If the Rink is open we have to pay for the ice-so- we will make every effort to utilize the ice. If for any reason a parent feels it is too dangerous to travel due to weather conditions, they should make their own decisions on a player's attendance. The coach will understand the circumstances. Pratice is optional.
In the case of a game , if the game has not been cancelled , we would expect all players to make every effort to attend. We will try our best to keep everyone informed.
It is the player's responsibility to inquire about conditions regarding practices or games. Each player should notify Coach Trezza if they are not going to attend a scheduled event.
All updated information will be posted on our team website:
Coach Trezza--845-386-8272
Rink: 845-567-0005